Ai Agents news and trends

AI Marketers: The New Mad Men?
artificial intelligence // June 12, 2024

In the marketing arena, where creativity and innovation are paramount, a new contender is emerging: generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). Capable of producing content such as Pixar-style animations, this technology is now targeting the business sector with a focus on advertising. According to a recent report...

AI Agents Attract Funding, Aim to Transform Industries
Artificial Intelligence // June 07, 2024

Artificial intelligence agents have reportedly caught the attention of tech investors, leading to a surge in funding for startups focused on building them. The interest from tech investors highlights the potential of AI agents to transform industries and create new opportunities, CNBC reported Friday (June...

New AI Agents May Soon Blur the Line Between Humans and Machines
artificial intelligence // May 08, 2024

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology progresses, a new generation of AI agents is emerging, potentially impacting how businesses interact with customers.  These digital assistants, designed to exhibit human-like autonomy and social intelligence, could change eCommerce, customer service and other industries by providing personalized, emotionally intelligent...

Imbue Secures $200 Million Investment to Develop Practical AI Agents
artificial intelligence // September 07, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) startup Imbue, formerly known as Generally Intelligent, has raised $200 million in a Series B funding round, with a valuation of over $1 billion. The funding round attracted investment from notable names such as Astera Institute, NVIDIA, Cruise CEO Kyle Vogt and Notion co-founder Simon Last, the company said in a Thursday...

Quick Reads
AI Agents Attract Funding, Aim to Transform Industries

June 07, 2024
Artificial intelligence agents have reportedly caught the attention of tech investors, leading to a surge in funding for startups focused on building them. The interest from tech investors highlights the potential of AI agents to transform industries and create new opportunities, CNBC reported Friday (June 7). AI agents are software programs that can perform tasks […]

Imbue Secures $200 Million Investment to Develop Practical AI Agents

September 07, 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) startup Imbue, formerly known as Generally Intelligent, has raised $200 million in a Series B funding round, with a valuation of over $1 billion. The funding round attracted...