Ai Coding news and trends

Cognition Labs Aims to Revolutionize Coding With AI
artificial intelligence // April 01, 2024

As the world becomes more connected and digital, coding, previously confined to specialized computer programmers, now influences everything from our daily communication and online shopping to healthcare management and financial transactions.  Peter Thiel’s venture capital firm Founders Fund is pumping money into Cognition Labs, a company...

Report: Apple Is Developing GenAI Coding Tool
Apple // February 15, 2024

Apple is reportedly working on a new artificial intelligence (AI)-powered coding tool for XCode, its flagship programming software. The company has reportedly been working on the project for the last year as part of the next major version of Xcode, Bloomberg said in a Thursday (Feb....

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Report: Apple Is Developing GenAI Coding Tool

February 15, 2024
Apple is reportedly working on a new artificial intelligence (AI)-powered coding tool for XCode, its flagship programming software. The company has reportedly been working on the project for the last year as part of the next major version of Xcode, Bloomberg said in a Thursday (Feb. 15) report. Apple is expanding internal tests of the features […]