Ai Copilot news and trends

Airbnb Acquires AI Startup to Build ‘Ultimate Travel Agent’
artificial intelligence // November 14, 2023

The economy’s ongoing digital transformation has completely reshaped the travel sector.  Gone are the days of sifting through countless travel websites and agonizing over the plethora of options available; and the years of calling up a real, living travel agent on the phone are fast...

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Microsoft Updates Copilot to Bring AI to Finance Teams

February 29, 2024
Microsoft has debuted a new offering for finance teams via its Copilot AI assistant. Copilot for Finance, announced Thursday (Feb. 29), joins the company’s Copilot for Sales and Copilot for Service offerings, and is designed for finance professionals who say they are bogged down with data entry and review cycles.  “Copilot for Finance can help free up time […]