Ai Funding news and trends

Amazon-Backed AI Startup H Raises $220 Million for ‘Full AGI’
artificial intelligence // May 21, 2024

French startup “H” has raised $220 million for its goal of building artificial general intelligence. The company — led by a group of Google DeepMind veterans — had been known as Holistic AI before their rebrand Tuesday (May 21), Bloomberg News reported. (Holistic is also...

Luminance Raises $40 Million for Legal Industry AI Tools
Investments // April 02, 2024

Legal document-focused artificial intelligence (AI) firm Luminance has raised $40 million. The Series B funding round, announced Tuesday (April 2), will help Luminance strengthen its foothold in the U.S., which accounts for a third of its revenue, the British company said in a news release.  “Luminance’s specialist legal...

Paddle Restarts Launchpad Program for AI Founders
artificial intelligence // March 12, 2024

British payments infrastructure provider Paddle has restarted its funding program for artificial intelligence (AI) startups. The company announced the 2024 installment of its AI Launchpad in a news release Tuesday (March 12). The six-week program is designed to help software founders scale their AI-powered ideas, giving participants guidance from...

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Reportedly Pitches $7 Trillion AI Funding Project
artificial intelligence // February 11, 2024

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is reportedly pitching a multitrillion dollar artificial intelligence project to investors. Altman is in discussions with backers that include the government of the United Arab Emirates to raise funds for an initiative that would increase the planet’s chip-building capabilities and artificial intelligence...

Quick Reads
Microsoft Will Spend $3.2 Billion on Swedish AI Infrastructure

June 03, 2024
Microsoft is reportedly investing $3.2 billion to expand its AI and cloud operations in Sweden. As Reuters reported Monday (June 3), the investment comes as the increasing popularity of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has led to a boom in demand for cloud services. As such, companies like Microsoft and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are spending […]

Amazon-Backed AI Startup H Raises $220 Million for ‘Full AGI’

May 21, 2024
French startup “H” has raised $220 million for its goal of building artificial general intelligence. The company — led by a group of Google DeepMind veterans — had been known...

Luminance Raises $40 Million for Legal Industry AI Tools

April 02, 2024
Legal document-focused artificial intelligence (AI) firm Luminance has raised $40 million. The Series B funding round, announced Tuesday (April 2), will help Luminance strengthen its foothold in the U.S., which accounts for a...

Paddle Restarts Launchpad Program for AI Founders

March 12, 2024
British payments infrastructure provider Paddle has restarted its funding program for artificial intelligence (AI) startups. The company announced the 2024 installment of its AI Launchpad in a news release Tuesday (March 12). The six-week...