Ai Generated Content news and trends

Is AI-Created Content Protected by Intellectual Property Rights? The Answer Isn’t Simple
artificial intelligence // October 30, 2023

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is on everyone’s mind. But the where and what are posing more questions than ever as the tech’s capabilities and impact expand. “There’s an awful lot of issues, but one broad question is: If we have AI generating content, is that...

Adobe, Microsoft Lead Coalition to Source Origin of AI Content
Artificial Intelligence // October 11, 2023

Fake news is getting more real, and so is the problem for companies and their audiences. That’s because as the capabilities of generative artificial intelligence (AI) advance, the images and media that the models are able to produce are becoming more realistic, making it more...

YouTube Collaborates With Universal Music Group for AI Music Program
artificial intelligence // August 21, 2023

YouTube has unveiled its artificial intelligence (AI) music principles and introduced the YouTube Music AI Incubator, a program designed to collaborate with artists, songwriters and producers. The initiative aims to enhance creative expression while safeguarding the interests of artists on the platform, Universal Music Group said in a...

Interviews & Exclusives
Is AI-Created Content Protected by Intellectual Property Rights? The Answer Isn’t Simple

October 30, 2023
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is on everyone’s mind. But the where and what are posing more questions than ever as the tech’s capabilities and impact expand. “There’s an awful lot of issues, but one broad question is: If we have AI generating content, is that content protectable by intellectual property rights [IPR]? This is a […]

Adobe, Microsoft Lead Coalition to Source Origin of AI Content

October 11, 2023
Fake news is getting more real, and so is the problem for companies and their audiences. That’s because as the capabilities of generative artificial intelligence (AI) advance, the images and...

Quick Reads
TikTok to Automatically Label AI-Generated Content Uploaded From Other Platforms

May 09, 2024
TikTok has begun automatically labeling artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content (AIGC) when that content is uploaded from certain other platforms. The social media platform has done this by partnering with the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) and implementing that group’s Content Credentials technology, TikTok said in a Thursday (May 9) press release. “AI enables […]

YouTube Collaborates With Universal Music Group for AI Music Program

August 21, 2023
YouTube has unveiled its artificial intelligence (AI) music principles and introduced the YouTube Music AI Incubator, a program designed to collaborate with artists, songwriters and producers. The initiative aims to enhance...