Ai Hype news and trends

DeepMind Co-Founder: AI Hype Obscuring ‘New Renaissance’
artificial intelligence // March 31, 2024

One of the co-founders of DeepMind says hype is hindering progress in the AI space. Speaking to the Financial Times (FT) Sunday (March 31), Demis Hassabis said that the flood of money into generative artificial intelligence (AI) companies and products is reminiscent of similar buzz around cryptocurrencies. “Some of that has...

Interviews & Exclusives
Warning Shots Fired Over AI Hype vs Reality

April 02, 2024
The rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a heated debate among experts, with some warning that the hype surrounding the technology may be overshadowing genuine scientific advancements. DeepMind Co-Founder Demis Hassabis recently drew parallels between the current AI frenzy and the cryptocurrency boom, raising concerns about the potential impact on the field’s progress. […]

Quick Reads
DeepMind Co-Founder: AI Hype Obscuring ‘New Renaissance’

March 31, 2024
One of the co-founders of DeepMind says hype is hindering progress in the AI space. Speaking to the Financial Times (FT) Sunday (March 31), Demis Hassabis said that the flood of money into generative artificial intelligence (AI) companies and products is reminiscent of similar buzz around cryptocurrencies. “Some of that has now spilled over into AI, which I think is a […]