Ai Investments news and trends

SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son: AI Will Drive ‘Evolution of Humanity’
artificial intelligence // June 21, 2024

Ten years from now, artificial intelligence (AI) will be 10,000 times smarter than humans, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son reportedly said Friday (June 21). Speaking during SoftBank’s annual general meeting of shareholders, Son dubbed this degree of AI “artificial super intelligence (ASI),” CNBC reported Friday. Son added that within...

AI Stocks Fall as Investors Grow More Choosy
Investments // June 19, 2024

“Just saying ‘AI’ 15 times is not going to cut it anymore.” So said Stuart Kaiser, head of U.S. equity trading strategy at Citi, speaking to the Financial Times (FT) Wednesday (June 19) about the state of artificial intelligence (AI) investments. As that report noted,...

India’s AI Aspirations Draw Multibillion Big Tech Investments
artificial intelligence // June 17, 2024

Amazon and Microsoft are reportedly investing billions in India’s artificial intelligence (AI) efforts. As the Financial Times (FT) reported Monday (June 17), India is offering incentives for tech companies to build there, hoping the country’s burgeoning technology market and massive pool of skilled workers will make it a major AI...

Microsoft Will Spend $3.2 Billion on Swedish AI Infrastructure
artificial intelligence // June 03, 2024

Microsoft is reportedly investing $3.2 billion to expand its AI and cloud operations in Sweden. As Reuters reported Monday (June 3), the investment comes as the increasing popularity of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has led to a boom in demand for cloud services. As such,...

Quick Reads
SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son: AI Will Drive ‘Evolution of Humanity’

June 21, 2024
Ten years from now, artificial intelligence (AI) will be 10,000 times smarter than humans, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son reportedly said Friday (June 21). Speaking during SoftBank’s annual general meeting of shareholders, Son dubbed this degree of AI “artificial super intelligence (ASI),” CNBC reported Friday. Son added that within three to five years, the industry is likely to achieve […]

AI Stocks Fall as Investors Grow More Choosy

June 19, 2024
“Just saying ‘AI’ 15 times is not going to cut it anymore.” So said Stuart Kaiser, head of U.S. equity trading strategy at Citi, speaking to the Financial Times (FT)...

India’s AI Aspirations Draw Multibillion Big Tech Investments

June 17, 2024
Amazon and Microsoft are reportedly investing billions in India’s artificial intelligence (AI) efforts. As the Financial Times (FT) reported Monday (June 17), India is offering incentives for tech companies to build there, hoping the country’s...

Microsoft Will Spend $3.2 Billion on Swedish AI Infrastructure

June 03, 2024
Microsoft is reportedly investing $3.2 billion to expand its AI and cloud operations in Sweden. As Reuters reported Monday (June 3), the investment comes as the increasing popularity of generative...