Ai Stocks news and trends

Goldman Sachs Highlights Optimism in AI Stocks
artificial intelligence // September 05, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than just a buzzword. Goldman Sachs Group strategists argue that AI stocks have strong fundamentals and valuations that are not excessive compared to tech bubbles seen in the past, Bloomberg reported Tuesday (Sept. 5). Today’s AI companies are already profitable and generate cash. ...

Quick Reads
AI Stocks Fall as Investors Grow More Choosy

June 19, 2024
“Just saying ‘AI’ 15 times is not going to cut it anymore.” So said Stuart Kaiser, head of U.S. equity trading strategy at Citi, speaking to the Financial Times (FT) Wednesday (June 19) about the state of artificial intelligence (AI) investments. As that report noted, most of the stocks that jumped amid last year’s AI […]

Goldman Sachs Highlights Optimism in AI Stocks

September 05, 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) is more than just a buzzword. Goldman Sachs Group strategists argue that AI stocks have strong fundamentals and valuations that are not excessive compared to tech bubbles seen...