Aisera news and trends

OpenAI’s GPT-4o Aims for Real-Time Voice Assistant Interactions
Artificial Intelligence // May 14, 2024

OpenAI’s new GPT-4o artificial intelligence model could enhance real-time voice interactions, improving the experience for the growing number of consumers using voice assistants. PYMNTS Intelligence found that the use of voice assistants has been steadily increasing, with millions worldwide relying on the technology for various tasks, from setting reminders...

Meta’s $35 Billion Bet on AI Fuels the Tech Arms Race
artificial intelligence // April 26, 2024

Meta announced a $35 billion investment in artificial intelligence (AI) for this year, signaling an aggressive push in the escalating tech arms race. This colossal investment raises pivotal questions about the future of AI development and its financial viability. Industry experts are now debating the...

Wave of AI Models Signals Intense Industry Rivalry
Artificial Intelligence // April 11, 2024

The rise of several artificial intelligence models indicates a fresh surge in industry rivalry, possibly setting the stage for an array of innovative commercial applications. OpenAI, Google and French startup Mistral AI unveiled the latest iterations of their AI models this week. The series of announcements kicked off shortly...

Warning Shots Fired Over AI Hype vs Reality
artificial intelligence // April 02, 2024

The rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a heated debate among experts, with some warning that the hype surrounding the technology may be overshadowing genuine scientific advancements. DeepMind Co-Founder Demis Hassabis recently drew parallels between the current AI frenzy and the cryptocurrency boom,...

Interviews & Exclusives
Warning Shots Fired Over AI Hype vs Reality

April 02, 2024
The rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a heated debate among experts, with some warning that the hype surrounding the technology may be overshadowing genuine scientific advancements. DeepMind Co-Founder Demis Hassabis recently drew parallels between the current AI frenzy and the cryptocurrency boom, raising concerns about the potential impact on the field’s progress. […]