Amazon Bedrock news and trends

AWS and AXA to Develop Global B2B Risk Management Platform
Insurance // April 04, 2024

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AXA are jointly developing a global business-to-business (B2B) risk management and prevention platform and associated software services. AXA, an insurance and asset management firm, will leverage AWS analytics capabilities to add services for existing clients and AWS clients through the AXA Digital...

Mistral AI Models to Be Available on Amazon Bedrock
Artificial Intelligence // February 23, 2024

Amazon Bedrock has announced that it will add Mistral AI models to its lineup, providing customers with even more options for their generative artificial intelligence (AI) needs.  Mistral AI, an AI startup, will soon introduce its foundation models (FMs) to Amazon Bedrock’s existing roster of FMs, Amazon...

Amazon Introduces AI-Powered Image Generator
Amazon // November 29, 2023

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has introduced an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered image generator.  The Amazon Titan Image Generator was unveiled Wednesday (Nov. 29) and is available in preview, AWS said in a Wednesday press release.  The tool enables AWS customers to use natural language prompts to produce realistic...

Amazon and Salesforce Expand Partnership to Add New AI Capabilities
Partnerships // November 27, 2023

Salesforce and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have announced a “significant” AI-focused expansion of their partnership. The new agreement, announced Monday (Nov. 27), makes it easier for customers to manage their data across Salesforce and AWS, and infuse the latest generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into their applications and workflows. ...

Quick Reads
Amazon Puts All Three Claude AI Models on Bedrock

April 16, 2024
Amazon Bedrock now features all three versions of Anthropic’s Claude 3 artificial intelligence (AI) model. That makes Bedrock the first and thus far only managed service to make all three Claude 3 models — Opus, Sonnet and Haiku — generally available, Amazon said in a news release Tuesday (April 16). This, the release added, enhances “the ability of customers of […]

AWS and AXA to Develop Global B2B Risk Management Platform

April 04, 2024
Amazon Web Services (AWS) and AXA are jointly developing a global business-to-business (B2B) risk management and prevention platform and associated software services. AXA, an insurance and asset management firm, will leverage AWS...

Mistral AI Models to Be Available on Amazon Bedrock

February 23, 2024
Amazon Bedrock has announced that it will add Mistral AI models to its lineup, providing customers with even more options for their generative artificial intelligence (AI) needs.  Mistral AI, an AI startup,...

Amazon Introduces AI-Powered Image Generator

November 29, 2023
Amazon Web Services (AWS) has introduced an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered image generator.  The Amazon Titan Image Generator was unveiled Wednesday (Nov. 29) and is available in preview, AWS said in a...