American Election news and trends

After Election, FinTech Still Indecisive About Trump
Events // November 10, 2016

The dust is settling on the American election. Admittedly a little slowly. And as the dust is settling – the questions are percolating, particularly in FinTech when the question of the morning day seems to be: What happens now? Will it be good news or...

No Matter The Outcome, Swag Makers Won This American Election Season
News // November 08, 2016

It is, as they say, all over but for the counting. Millions of Americans are going to the polls today for the American election, and tens of millions will spend their evening watching the returns roll in. Some will be overjoyed, some will be crestfallen...

Brexit Stock Shock Part Deux — This Time from the American Election?
Market Conditions // November 07, 2016

Sure, all eyes are on the election. But come Wednesday, what will we all talk about? All the negativity will be gone. The markets will cheer. We will, as a nation, be able to build and climb, with prosperity in the works for all. Right?...

Quick Reads
After Election, FinTech Still Indecisive About Trump

November 10, 2016
The dust is settling on the American election. Admittedly a little slowly. And as the dust is settling – the questions are percolating, particularly in FinTech when the question of the morning day seems to be: What happens now? Will it be good news or bad news on balance? Well, opinion is still coming in. […]