Andy Jassy news and trends

Amazon CEO Shareholder Letter Goes Big on AI and AWS
Amazon // April 11, 2024

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy published his 2023 Letter to Shareholders Thursday (April 11), outlining how the company is changing and its goals for the future. It’s a 28-minute read by Amazon’s own count. If you don’t have the half hour to spare, here are some key highlights (a three- to...

Amazon AI Revenue Forecast Ignites Industry Debate: Breakthrough or Pipe Dream?
artificial intelligence // March 18, 2024

Amazon’s CEO, Andy Jassy, has sparked intense debate among industry observers with his bold projection of earning billions from artificial intelligence (AI) in the coming years. While some view this forecast as a potential turning point for the company, others question the realistic impact of AI...

Jassy: Amazon’s GenAI Tools Could Boost Customer Experience and Profits
Earnings // February 01, 2024

Riding a huge wave of consumer holiday spending and harvesting its October Prime Big Deal Day season, Amazon delivered its highest operating income ever late Thursday (Feb. 1) as it released its quarterly and full-year earnings. “2023 was a really good year,” Amazon CEO Andy Jassy...

Amazon Online Sales Bounce 7%, Subscriptions Surge 14%, Customers Still ‘Trade Down’ 
Amazon // October 26, 2023

Amazon’s third quarter results showed a rebound in online sales, with a 7% growth rate doubled by the 14% gain in subscription-related revenues. Earnings materials from the company show that, as detailed on a segment-by-segment basis, online sales were up to $57.3 billion.   Sales at physical stores...

Interviews & Exclusives
Amazon’s Plan to Scale Grocery Offerings May Dent Walmart’s Share

August 11, 2023
Seemingly as long as the world’s top two retailers have competed, Walmart has been considered the go-to for groceries while Amazon leads in non-food sales. Walmart’s crown in groceries is not currently at risk, but Amazon seems determined to disrupt this balance in upcoming months and years. One of the latest examples of this new […]

Quick Reads
Amazon Testing Higher Free Shipping Threshold for Non-Prime Members

August 28, 2023
Amazon is testing a change to its free shipping policy — a $35 minimum purchase requirement for customers who are not members of its Prime loyalty program. This move comes as the eCommerce giant looks for ways to cut costs and streamline its operations, CNBC reported Monday (Aug. 28). Previously, non-Prime members were required to […]

Alexa Boss David Limp to Depart Amazon

August 15, 2023
Amazon’s devices chief is planning to exit the company. David Limp, who oversees products like the company’s Alexa assistant, intends to retire in the coming months, the executive and Amazon CEO Andy...

Amazon Employees May Be Asked to Return to ‘Main Hubs’

July 21, 2023
Amazon’s return-to-the-office mandate is reportedly being ramped up across the country. Employees working remotely or located in smaller remote offices are being told they may have to return to what the...

Amazon Will Invest $26 Billion India by Decade’s End

June 25, 2023
Amazon intends to invest $26 billion in India by 2030 amid increasing competition with Walmart. As Reuters reported Saturday (June 24), the company made that announcement after CEO Andy Jassy met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra...