App Developers news and trends

Apple Announces App Distribution Changes to Comply With DMA
Apple // March 06, 2024

Apple has made some changes to its policies around app distribution in the European Union (EU) to comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA). The changes were made in response to feedback the firm received about its previously updated terms for app distribution in...

Japan Readying Legislation to Boost Competition Among App Stores
Digital Payments // June 18, 2023

Japan is looking to boost competition among app stores and payments. A government panel released a report Friday (June 16) saying that app store operators should not be able to force software developers to use a particular payment system, and that suppliers of operating systems...

Appeals Court Allows Links to Payments Outside Apple App Store
Apple // April 24, 2023

Developers may soon be able to offer links enabling payments outside Apple’s App Store. A United States appeals court upheld an earlier ruling in a case that said Apple can no longer prohibit such links, which developers want to use to avoid paying sales commissions...

Google Tells Indian Court Antitrust Order Will Hinder Android Ecosystem 
Google // January 10, 2023

Google says an Indian antitrust order will hinder the Android ecosystem. The company told the Indian Supreme Court that the antitrust order will slow the ecosystem’s growth in the country by requiring Google to modify its contracts, its license agreements and its arrangements with a...

Quick Reads
Amazon to Change How Alexa Developers Are Paid

April 10, 2024
Amazon will stop paying developers to create applications — called Skills — for its voice assistant Alexa. This will end an offering that has been available to developers since 2017 and aimed to build an app store for Alexa, Bloomberg reported Wednesday (April 10). Amazon spokesperson Lauren Raemhild said in the report that the program […]

Apple Announces App Distribution Changes to Comply With DMA

March 06, 2024
Apple has made some changes to its policies around app distribution in the European Union (EU) to comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA). The changes were made in...

Japan Readying Legislation to Boost Competition Among App Stores

June 18, 2023
Japan is looking to boost competition among app stores and payments. A government panel released a report Friday (June 16) saying that app store operators should not be able to...

Appeals Court Allows Links to Payments Outside Apple App Store

April 24, 2023
Developers may soon be able to offer links enabling payments outside Apple’s App Store. A United States appeals court upheld an earlier ruling in a case that said Apple can...