Apparel Sales news and trends

Try Before You Buy — What Brands and Retailers Are Doing It and Who’s Actually...
eCommerce // June 29, 2023

We all shop online. That’s probably a safe bet to make these days, right? And while online shopping certainly has its pros, it also has its cons, and at times can never really compare to the real life, in-person experience. Solutions like augmented reality (AR) look...

Apparel Producers Prep for Shrinking Sales as Consumers Cut Back
Retail // June 19, 2023

Clothing brands are reportedly cutting back on orders in anticipation of weakening sales. As Bloomberg News reported Friday (June 16), factory owners say they’ve seen significant declines in retailers’ holiday orders, with at least one company that works with major brands expecting a plunge in...

Quick Reads
Consumers on Weight Loss Drugs Expected to Spend Double on New Clothes After Losses

December 03, 2023
The rising popularity of certain weight loss drugs might end up helping apparel makers. That’s according to a recent survey by investment banking firm Stifel, the subject of a Saturday (Dec. 2) report from Seeking Alpha.  That survey found that 15% of respondents are on GLP-1 medications such as Mounjaro, Wegovy and Ozempic. Another 21% said they’d […]

Apparel Producers Prep for Shrinking Sales as Consumers Cut Back

June 19, 2023
Clothing brands are reportedly cutting back on orders in anticipation of weakening sales. As Bloomberg News reported Friday (June 16), factory owners say they’ve seen significant declines in retailers’ holiday...