Apple Pay Fraud news and trends

Australian Banks Launch Apple Pay Antitrust Attack

July 27, 2016
Apple Pay’s Moves And News
Apple Pay // May 25, 2015

Welcome to Day No. 218 of Apple Pay. You probably haven’t been counting quite as meticulously as we have here at PYMNTS about what’s happened since Day 1 of Apple Pay, but we‘ve tracked every move along the way. From Day 1 when a few...

Blame Shifting Ensues Over Apple Pay Fraud Issue
Mobile Commerce // March 17, 2015

About two weeks ago, reports began to emerge that enterprising criminals had found a simple, low tech way to bypass Apple’s state of the art, biometrically authenticated, tokenized, NFC-secure element housed payment platform. Instead of trying to hack Apple, thieves instead are merely swiping credit card...

Quick Reads
Blame Shifting Ensues Over Apple Pay Fraud Issue

March 17, 2015
About two weeks ago, reports began to emerge that enterprising criminals had found a simple, low tech way to bypass Apple’s state of the art, biometrically authenticated, tokenized, NFC-secure element housed payment platform. Instead of trying to hack Apple, thieves instead are merely swiping credit card information and fraudulently creating Apple Pay accounts with them. A […]