Aptos Labs news and trends

Aptos Labs Taps Microsoft Azure to Drive Web3 Adoption
Partnerships // August 09, 2023

Blockchain company Aptos Labs has teamed with Microsoft to drive Web3 adoption. The partnership will employ Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service to help mainstream Web3, according to a Wednesday (Aug. 9) press release. “Onboarding new users to Web3 can be time-consuming and complex, which may deter people from exploring the ecosystem,” Aptos said in...

Today in Crypto: Bitcoin Dips 3.5% Ahead of Expected Fed Rate Hike; Mexican Exchange Bitso...
Cryptocurrency // July 25, 2022

Despite the Chicago Board of Options Exchange’s volatility index showing a lack of investor anxiety ahead of the Federal Reserve rate increase, bitcoin was down 3.5% in the 24 hours leading up to Monday (July 25) afternoon. The top cryptocurrency was selling at almost $21,900,...

Quick Reads
Aptos Labs Taps Microsoft Azure to Drive Web3 Adoption

August 09, 2023
Blockchain company Aptos Labs has teamed with Microsoft to drive Web3 adoption. The partnership will employ Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service to help mainstream Web3, according to a Wednesday (Aug. 9) press release. “Onboarding new users to Web3 can be time-consuming and complex, which may deter people from exploring the ecosystem,” Aptos said in the release. “There’s a common perception gap between the utility […]

Today in Crypto: Bitcoin Dips 3.5% Ahead of Expected Fed Rate Hike; Mexican Exchange Bitso...

July 25, 2022
Despite the Chicago Board of Options Exchange’s volatility index showing a lack of investor anxiety ahead of the Federal Reserve rate increase, bitcoin was down 3.5% in the 24 hours...