Artificial General Intelligence news and trends

Safe Superintelligence’s Launch Spotlights OpenAI Roots
artificial intelligence // June 20, 2024

Ilya Sutskever, co-founder and former chief scientist of OpenAI, has launched Safe Superintelligence Inc. (SSI), a new artificial intelligence (AI) company focused on creating a safe and powerful AI system, marking another evolution from OpenAI’s roots. To understand Ilya Sutskever’s new venture, consider the goals...

Elon Musk Drops Lawsuit Against OpenAI One Day Before Hearing
artificial intelligence // June 11, 2024

Elon Musk reportedly dropped his lawsuit against OpenAI and two of its co-founders, Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, on Tuesday (June 11). Musk made this move one day before the case was to go before a judge who would consider the defendants’ request that it...

Meta AI Head: ChatGPT Will Never Reach Human Intelligence
artificial intelligence // May 22, 2024

Meta’s chief AI scientist thinks large language models will never reach human intelligence. Yann LeCun asserts that artificial intelligence (AI) large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have a limited grasp on logic, the Financial Times (FT) reported Wednesday (May 21). These models, LeCun told the FT, “do...

Amazon-Backed AI Startup H Raises $220 Million for ‘Full AGI’
artificial intelligence // May 21, 2024

French startup “H” has raised $220 million for its goal of building artificial general intelligence. The company — led by a group of Google DeepMind veterans — had been known as Holistic AI before their rebrand Tuesday (May 21), Bloomberg News reported. (Holistic is also...

Quick Reads
SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son: AI Will Drive ‘Evolution of Humanity’

June 21, 2024
Ten years from now, artificial intelligence (AI) will be 10,000 times smarter than humans, SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son reportedly said Friday (June 21). Speaking during SoftBank’s annual general meeting of shareholders, Son dubbed this degree of AI “artificial super intelligence (ASI),” CNBC reported Friday. Son added that within three to five years, the industry is likely to achieve […]

Elon Musk Drops Lawsuit Against OpenAI One Day Before Hearing

June 11, 2024
Elon Musk reportedly dropped his lawsuit against OpenAI and two of its co-founders, Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, on Tuesday (June 11). Musk made this move one day before the...

Meta AI Head: ChatGPT Will Never Reach Human Intelligence

May 22, 2024
Meta’s chief AI scientist thinks large language models will never reach human intelligence. Yann LeCun asserts that artificial intelligence (AI) large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have a limited grasp on logic,...

Amazon-Backed AI Startup H Raises $220 Million for ‘Full AGI’

May 21, 2024
French startup “H” has raised $220 million for its goal of building artificial general intelligence. The company — led by a group of Google DeepMind veterans — had been known...