Artificial Intelligence Act news and trends

Battle Lines Being Drawn Between Open- and Closed-Source Goals for AI Regulation
artificial intelligence // January 08, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have added a new layer to the ongoing and increasingly philosophical debate about whether open-source or proprietary systems are better for society, the marketplace and even national security. Given that the European Union (EU) is so far the only major Western...

EU Digital Chief Margrethe Vestager Says AI Act Enhances Innovation
artificial intelligence // December 29, 2023

The European Union’s (EU) competition and digital chief, Margrethe Vestager, has come forward to defend the EU’s landmark law on artificial intelligence (AI). Following criticism of the Artificial Intelligence Act, Vestager argued that the proposed act will provide “legal certainty” for tech startups building AI...

Big Tech M&A Regulation Looms in 2022
Big Tech // July 21, 2022

Big Tech companies have been in the spotlight for most of 2022, from antitrust concerns to allegations of harmful content in their platforms or violations of freedom of speech. But in addition to the enforcement actions taken by regulators, the most notorious development in the...

New EU Council President Prioritizes AI, Chips, Digital Identity Legislation 
Europe // July 07, 2022

On July 1, the Czech Republic took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union from France — and for the next six months, it will set the priorities for the EU’s political agenda. On Wednesday, July 6, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala...

Quick Reads
EU Digital Chief Margrethe Vestager Says AI Act Enhances Innovation

December 29, 2023
The European Union’s (EU) competition and digital chief, Margrethe Vestager, has come forward to defend the EU’s landmark law on artificial intelligence (AI). Following criticism of the Artificial Intelligence Act, Vestager argued that the proposed act will provide “legal certainty” for tech startups building AI technology, the Financial Times (FT) reported Friday (Dec. 29). The […]