Attack Vectors 2024 Series news and trends

Attack Vectors 2024: Identity Theft and Digital Banking 
Fraud Prevention // January 12, 2024

In the payments and financial landscape, staying still often means falling behind.  And falling behind in today’s rapidly digitizing environment can be dangerous.  That’s because traditional security systems are proving to be increasingly vulnerable to attacks from 21st century cyber fraudsters using sophisticated tactics and tools...

Attack Vectors 2024: Misinformation Tops Global Risk List, WEF Says
Security & Fraud // January 10, 2024

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. That’s a quote from Winston Churchill, who never lived to see the internet, much less today’s connected digital transformation. But it remains truer than ever within today’s...

Attack Vectors 2024: Protecting Against What’s Next in Deepfake Fraud 
Fraud Prevention // January 09, 2024

“Dad, please send them the money. They say they are going to hurt me.” It is every parent’s worst nightmare: their child in trouble, being threatened. But what if, unlike the money being transferred, the scenario being described isn’t real? Bad actors around the world...

Interviews & Exclusives
Attack Vectors 2024: Identity Theft and Digital Banking 

January 12, 2024
In the payments and financial landscape, staying still often means falling behind.  And falling behind in today’s rapidly digitizing environment can be dangerous.  That’s because traditional security systems are proving to be increasingly vulnerable to attacks from 21st century cyber fraudsters using sophisticated tactics and tools that have been democratized by the rise of novel technologies […]