Authenticated Payments Report news and trends

PNC Bank on Consent Management’s Key Role in Open Banking Data Privacy
Authentication // December 06, 2021

As much as consumers love the convenience of connected online banking experiences, nearly 8 in 10 digital banking customers are unaware that FinTech apps can sell the information they share to other parties. In the Authenticated Payments Report, PNC Bank’s Natalie Talpas explains why banks...

How Banks Can Bridge The Data Sharing Privacy Gap
Authentication // December 03, 2021

Consumers have become enamored of digital banking’s conveniences, especially as the technologies underpinning them make it easier than ever to share data and receive personalized insights into spending or new products. Open banking initiatives using application programming interfaces (APIs) to enable these connections have sprung...

Deep Dive: How Emerging Authentication Options Impact Digital Payments
Digital Payments // November 02, 2021

While cashless payments were a popular payment alternative before the pandemic, they have since become nearly ubiquitous as digitally-savvy consumers were driven to online shopping and safer in-person alternatives by the pandemic’s social distancing requirements. As a result, the global digital payments industry is forecast to...

Zelle® on Keeping Transactions Secure and Compelling as Digital Payments, Identity Converge
Digital Payments // November 01, 2021

Tying consumers’ digital identities to their payment behaviors is becoming key to ensuring security and offering customer experiences based on unique data insights, according to Zelle’s Sean Loosli. In the Authenticated Payments Report, he explains how the convergence of digital ID and payments can be...

Interviews & Exclusives
It’s Time To Shore Up User Authentication As Digital Identities, Payments Converge

October 29, 2021
The global use of smartphones has transformed consumers’ transactions with their preferred financial institutions (FIs), merchants and service providers. As consumers increase their use of online and mobile banking tools, however, they also increase their exposure to device-based security risks. This is because consumers now have digital identities that they carry into the physical world, […]

Report: AI and Transaction Notifications Help FIs Stop Payments Fraud Before Customers Get Scammed

September 30, 2021
Payments are now more digitized than ever before, with experts projecting that $6.6 trillion with be exchanged through digital channels by the end of the year, a 40% increase over...

Automation Can Do For SCA Compliance What Human Hands Cannot

September 13, 2021
Digital transactions are quickly becoming the norm, with trillions of dollars crisscrossing the globe via the internet. Securing this fast-growing market is the EU’s Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) objective,...

Coinbase Says Crypto Exchanges Face Dual Regulations To Meet Differing Authentication Rules

August 09, 2021
Authentication represents a critical security challenge for digital businesses of all kinds, with unauthorized access accounting for 43 percent of successful data breaches at companies in the United States in...