Avatars news and trends

Microsoft’s AI-Powered VASA-1 Could Enable Webcam-Free Video Calls
artificial intelligence // April 22, 2024

Get ready for AI to make videos from just your picture.   Microsoft Research recently unveiled VASA, a new AI framework demonstration capable of generating “hyper-realistic” talking faces from a single portrait and speech audio, possibly reducing the reliance on webcams. The new technology introduces a shift in...

PYMNTS Cryptocurrency Glossary: The Metaverse
Cryptocurrency // August 17, 2022

Cryptocurrency is a confusing business with a language all its own, in part because it is a genuinely new way of doing business and also because it was created in large part by programmers and cryptographers, who should never be allowed to name anything regular...

ObEN Raises $5M From Tencent To Take On AI Celebrity Scene
Startups // July 19, 2017

ObEN, which uses artificial intelligence-powered tools to create avatars that look and sound like real people, announced it has raised $5 million in strategic investment from Tencent so that it can enter the AI celebrity scene. According to Tech Crunch, Li Ruigang, chairman of CMC...

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ObEN Raises $5M From Tencent To Take On AI Celebrity Scene

July 19, 2017
ObEN, which uses artificial intelligence-powered tools to create avatars that look and sound like real people, announced it has raised $5 million in strategic investment from Tencent so that it can enter the AI celebrity scene. According to Tech Crunch, Li Ruigang, chairman of CMC and Fengshion Capital, also participated in the round. ObEN, which […]