Azure Ai news and trends

Microsoft Unveils Text-to-Speech Avatar Azure AI Speech
artificial intelligence // November 15, 2023

Microsoft has announced the public preview release of Azure AI Speech, technology that allows users to create talking avatar videos with text input and build real-time interactive bots using human images. The text-to-speech avatar is a new feature with vision capabilities that empowers customers to...

Quick Reads
AI Offerings Drive Microsoft to Record Quarter

January 30, 2024
Microsoft said its artificial intelligence (AI) companion, Copilot, is being adopted across industries. This and other AI offerings helped drive the company to a record quarter during the three months ended Dec. 31, Satya Nadella, chairman and CEO of Microsoft, said Tuesday (Jan. 30) during the company’s quarterly earnings call. “We’ve moved from talking about AI to […]

Microsoft Unveils Text-to-Speech Avatar Azure AI Speech

November 15, 2023
Microsoft has announced the public preview release of Azure AI Speech, technology that allows users to create talking avatar videos with text input and build real-time interactive bots using human...