B2b And Digital Payments Tracker news and trends

72% of Consumers Plan to Shop With Small Businesses This Holiday Season
Digital Payments // December 21, 2023

Surpassing all expectations, consumers turned up in record numbers for this year’s Black Friday weekend, the traditional kickoff to the holiday shopping season in the United States. The five-day weekend, from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday, saw more than 200 million U.S. shoppers, topping last...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Bridging the Insurance Industry’s Digital Generation Gap
Insurance // November 06, 2023

The generation gap does not make headlines as much as it used to, but one way in which it has unquestionably widened in recent years is through the rapid advancement of technology. The youngest adults today have never known a world without the internet, social...

Raising the Bar on Digital Experience for a New Generation of Policyholders
Insurance // November 03, 2023

PYMNTS Intelligence interviews Ian Drysdale, CEO of insurance industry digital payments network One Inc, on how the industry is accepting the challenge of meeting Gen Z and millennials’ digital demands. — Generation Z and millennial consumers are setting a high bar for digital experiences across...

75% of Millennials Don’t Trust Themselves to Buy Insurance Online
Insurance // November 02, 2023

Generation Z and millennials have different insurance needs from their elders, yet they are already a market force to be reckoned with. More than 60% plan to purchase one or more types of insurance policies within the next 12 months. Regardless of which type they...

Interviews & Exclusives
Sixty Percent of Startups Using Cards Credit Them With Business Success

February 23, 2024
In contrast to typical business loans or personal sources of financing, business cards offer multiple benefits for small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). These benefits include easier qualification than bank loans, higher credit limits and other various perks. According to a recent poll, more than 9 in 10 new business owners who used business cards as […]

72% of Consumers Plan to Shop With Small Businesses This Holiday Season

December 21, 2023
Surpassing all expectations, consumers turned up in record numbers for this year’s Black Friday weekend, the traditional kickoff to the holiday shopping season in the United States. The five-day weekend,...

75% of Millennials Don’t Trust Themselves to Buy Insurance Online

November 02, 2023
Generation Z and millennials have different insurance needs from their elders, yet they are already a market force to be reckoned with. More than 60% plan to purchase one or...

Late Payments Push 64% of CFOs to Modernize Accounts Receivables

October 09, 2023
As organizations across industries struggle with delayed payments and disruptions to cash flow, accounts receivable (AR) teams are now seen as navigators amid an economic storm. More than 8 in...