B2b Fraud news and trends

US DOJ Continues Its Business Email Compromise Battle
B2B Payments // June 28, 2021

The Business Email Compromise continues its dramatic attack on businesses’ B2B payment workflows in this week’s B2B Data Digest. With the U.S. Justice Department reporting on several business email compromise (BEC)-related cases, companies have also faced internal threats as employees manipulate accounts payable (AP) processes...

Cyberattackers Go Global To Steal Company Cash
B2B Payments // September 08, 2020

With cyberattacks skyrocketing amid the pandemic, new data is rolling out to paint a picture of just how damaging the ramped-up thievery has become. In this week’s B2B Data Digest, PYMNTS looks at some of those numbers, finding cybercriminals both within and outside of the...

BEC Attacks Surge As Fraudsters Eye Pandemic Opportunity
B2B Payments // July 06, 2020

Wirecard continues to dominate the headlines in the realm of corporate fraud thanks to $2 billion missing from the company’s books, but it’s not the only company at the center of questionable activity. With the global pandemic continuing to cause market disruptions, the opportunities for...

Coronavirus Fraud Is In Full Swing — And Businesses Are A Big Target
B2B Payments // May 11, 2020

Fraud warnings continue to grow louder as bad actors uncover new opportunities to take advantage of market volatility and other aspects of the unique circumstances of the pandemic. For the B2B fraud landscape, the threat is particularly large. A recent regulatory notice issued by the...

Interviews & Exclusives
Vocalink: How To Stop Fraud In The Era Of Real-Time Payments

May 23, 2018
As the speed of payments increases around the world, the potential scope of fraud shifts to targets beyond cards. Criminals are taking advantage of the global spread of real-time digital transactions to con chief financial officers, invoice managers and the like, hoping to steal massive sums before anyone knows they’ve been ripped off. That is […]