B2b Marketing news and trends

It’s Too Early To Name GDPR Winners, But Google’s Looking Pretty Good
Security & Fraud // May 31, 2018

It’s still early — hardly minute one — in the unfolding history of the General Data Protection Regulation, but a winner is emerging that is both familiar and big: Google. It hardly needs to be explained, but the GDPR is the European Union’s new privacy...

Account-Based Marketing Finds Its Place in B2B
B2B Payments // June 10, 2015

B2B manufacturers and suppliers are beginning to recognize the perks of account-based marketing (ABM), and while adoption is slow, new research suggests it may be picking up speed. According to a recent analysis by SiriusDecisions, 92 percent of B2B marketers agreed that ABM is either “extremely” or...

Madison Logic Buys B2B Ad Network
B2B Payments // March 03, 2015

Business-to-business competitors now realize the importance of marketing when it was once thought to be crucial only in B2C commerce. But as it turns out, buyers demand an easy-to-use and enjoyable shopping experience, sometimes even more so than traditional consumers. Madison Logic’s latest announcement is...

Interviews & Exclusives
CMOs Discover GenAI as Market Research Tool

June 24, 2024
According to PYMNTS Intelligence, about half of chief marketing officers (CMOs) already use generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) for routine tasks. Still, only a relatively small percentage are deploying the technology to conquer more challenging assignments. One key takeaway from our recent 2024 CAIO Report is “Are CMOs Missing GenAI’s Potential?” The report, based on surveys […]

Quick Reads
Account-Based Marketing Finds Its Place in B2B

June 10, 2015
B2B manufacturers and suppliers are beginning to recognize the perks of account-based marketing (ABM), and while adoption is slow, new research suggests it may be picking up speed. According to a recent analysis by SiriusDecisions, 92 percent of B2B marketers agreed that ABM is either “extremely” or “very” important for their sales efforts as a whole. The […]

Madison Logic Buys B2B Ad Network

March 03, 2015
Business-to-business competitors now realize the importance of marketing when it was once thought to be crucial only in B2C commerce. But as it turns out, buyers demand an easy-to-use and...