B2b Payments Fraud Tracker news and trends

PYMNTS Intelligence: Technology Is Needed to Safeguard Faster Payments
B2B Payments // March 01, 2023

Robust fraud prevention measures, having always been an important tool for businesses, are now a must. When payments took hours or days to go through, companies had more time to verify the authenticity of invoices and perhaps even claw back funds accidentally sent to fraudsters. Now, however, businesses using faster...

Invoice Verification Slows Pace of Real-Time Business Payments Fraud
B2B Payments // February 28, 2023

Business-to-business (B2B) payments are transforming as companies of all sizes swap checks and traditional payment methods for real-time payments, embedded finance solutions and banking-as-a-service (BaaS) products. Adopting these quicker, more efficient methods has been swift — with 41% of U.S. businesses now using real-time payments...

PYMNTS Intelligence: Technology Is Needed to Tackle Fraud and Safeguard Incoming Revenue
B2B Payments // January 20, 2023

In an increasingly online world, companies still relying on manual accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) processes are struggling to keep up — in more ways than one. A PYMNTS survey found that fraud limited international growth for 36% of companies using reactive, manual detection methods,...

Authentication Is Necessary to Stop Invoice Fraud
B2B Payments // January 19, 2023

Only 38% of businesses are using document and identity authentication tools, leaving most organizations vulnerable to fraud attacks linked to incoming payments. In this month’s “B2B Payments Fraud Tracker®,” Candler Eve, director of enterprise fraud at MidFirst Bank, highlights three key ways to avoid invoice...

Interviews & Exclusives
How Corporates Can Help Banks Fight Real-Time Payments Fraud

March 09, 2023
As instant payments become the norm, businesses can bolster safeguarding their hard-earned revenue.  While legacy habits such as paper checks persist, small businesses are catching up with their larger competitors in modernizing their finance systems. Swapping traditional methods for efficient alternatives such as real-time payments is increasingly the norm, as 41% of all U.S. businesses use some […]

Invoice Verification Slows Pace of Real-Time Business Payments Fraud

February 28, 2023
Business-to-business (B2B) payments are transforming as companies of all sizes swap checks and traditional payment methods for real-time payments, embedded finance solutions and banking-as-a-service (BaaS) products. Adopting these quicker, more...

Incoming Payments Fraud Costs Companies Millions Every Year

January 18, 2023
Fraud is both costly and common. In the last two years, 52% of companies with at least $10 billion in revenue experienced some sort of fraud, according to a 2022...