Back Office Automation news and trends

How End-to-End Agentic Software Will Transform AI for Business 
artificial intelligence // February 22, 2024

Change happens slowly, and then all at once. And when it comes to business software, we are firmly in the “change happening all at once” phase. That’s according to Nvidia CEO and founder Jensen Huang, who on Wednesday (Feb. 21) heralded the start of a new era...

AI Can Predict the Weather, What About Financial Forecasts?
artificial intelligence // November 15, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) transforms how work is organized, allowing organizations to process insights at scale.  Its far-flung applications and everything, everywhere, all-at-once capabilities, that when compared to traditional methods offer huge advancements, have generated enterprise excitement across industries as well as stimulated the broader marketplace. ...

Real-Time Data Helps CEOs Manage Economic Uncertainty
CFO // April 05, 2023

Market shifts and macro turmoil have savvy CFOs examining internal processes to ensure sustainable growth. “I think every CFO right now is concerned about macroeconomics,” Arlen Shenkman, president and CFO at Boomi, told PYMNTS in a recent conversation. “When you’re in a rising interest rate...

Small Businesses Looking to Do More With Less Turn to Payables Automation
Back-office // February 02, 2023

In today’s softening economic environment, businesses need to focus on controlling what they can. That’s according to René Lacerte, BILL CEO and founder, who said Thursday (Feb. 2) during his company’s first quarter earnings call that demand for digitizing back-office operations is only growing for...

Interviews & Exclusives
Real-Time Data Helps CEOs Manage Economic Uncertainty

April 05, 2023
Market shifts and macro turmoil have savvy CFOs examining internal processes to ensure sustainable growth. “I think every CFO right now is concerned about macroeconomics,” Arlen Shenkman, president and CFO at Boomi, told PYMNTS in a recent conversation. “When you’re in a rising interest rate environment where it’s unclear whether or not you will have […]

Red Hat: Migrating To The Cloud And The Risk Of Sticking With The Status Quo

July 03, 2020
The ability for companies to immediately respond to the need to support a work-from-home environment depended, in large part, upon where those firms were already in terms of their digitization...