Balloon Mortgage Payment news and trends

NOAH CEO: How A New Twist On Home Equity Helps Homeowners Bridge The Cash Crunch
Real Estate // April 28, 2020

As the economy has more or less ground to a halt over the last several weeks, time has become harrowing for homeowners who face frozen income streams and continuing mortgage payments due to the coronavirus pandemic. It’s also confusing at times as options for homeowners looking...

Homeowners Face Uncertainty Over Delayed Mortgage Payments
Coronavirus // April 24, 2020

Homeowners who expected temporary financial relief from the COVID-19 pandemic may be in for a big surprise next year, The Wall Street Journal reported. While the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act allows mortgagees with federally backed home loans to skip payments for up to...

Consumers Struggle To Navigate Muddled Mortgage Forbearance Programs
Loans // April 20, 2020

As the economic collateral damage induced by the COVID-19 epidemic has spread far and wide throughout the nation, leaving nearly 20 million Americans newly unemployed, economic anxiety has become endemic. PYMNTS’ Navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic: How the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Economy Is Beginning to Buckle reveals that the consumers who...

Interviews & Exclusives
NOAH CEO: How A New Twist On Home Equity Helps Homeowners Bridge The Cash Crunch

April 28, 2020
As the economy has more or less ground to a halt over the last several weeks, time has become harrowing for homeowners who face frozen income streams and continuing mortgage payments due to the coronavirus pandemic. It’s also confusing at times as options for homeowners looking to stay afloat and in their residences during this unexpected […]

Quick Reads
Homeowners Face Confusing Signals On Loans Amid Stimulus Relief

April 28, 2020
With the stimulus bill known as the CARES Act, Congress said homeowners could skip mortgage payments for up to a year. However, legislating something is not the same as making it so. Some loan servicers are telling homeowners they could be hit with balloon payments if they delay their mortgage payments. The CARES Act, intended […]

Homeowners Face Uncertainty Over Delayed Mortgage Payments

April 24, 2020
Homeowners who expected temporary financial relief from the COVID-19 pandemic may be in for a big surprise next year, The Wall Street Journal reported. While the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic...