Bangladesh Bank Heist news and trends

Why Banks — And Corporates — Still Feel The Heat From The SWIFT Hack

May 01, 2017
Union Bank of India Cyberattack Eerily Similar To Bangladesh Heist
Security & Fraud // April 11, 2017

The Union Bank of India was hit by a cyberattack last July that mimicked he same attack that took place against Bangladesh central bank’s account at the New York Federal Reserve last year, Reuters reported. At the Union Bank of India, hackers were able to...

North Korea Linked To Bangladesh Heist
Security & Fraud // April 04, 2017

On Monday (April 3), Kaspersky Lab revealed a link between North Korea and the multimillion-dollar cyberattack that rocked Bangladesh’s central bank and the financial industry as whole last year. According to the cybersecurity firm’s research, Kaspersky uncovered digital records that show a European server used...

U.S. Officials Confirm Bangladesh Bank Heist State-Sponsored
Security & Fraud // March 29, 2017

According to reports out of an FBI official stationed in the Philippines, the theft of $81 million in funds hacked out of the Bangladesh central bank’s account at the NY Fed was a “state-sponsored” job. Lamont Siller, the legal attache at the U.S. embassy, offered...

SWIFT Pressures Member Banks To Enhance Cybersecurity
B2B Payments // February 03, 2017

SWIFT is putting the pressure on its members to enhance their cybersecurity capabilities, according to reports by SC Magazine. According to the publication, SWIFT is encouraging and, in some cases, threatening its member banks to deploy more sophisticated cybersecurity measures. The efforts follow last year’s high-profile cyberattack...

Quick Reads
Union Bank of India Cyberattack Eerily Similar To Bangladesh Heist

April 11, 2017
The Union Bank of India was hit by a cyberattack last July that mimicked he same attack that took place against Bangladesh central bank’s account at the New York Federal Reserve last year, Reuters reported. At the Union Bank of India, hackers were able to steal the bank’s data after an employee opened an email […]

North Korea Linked To Bangladesh Heist

April 04, 2017
On Monday (April 3), Kaspersky Lab revealed a link between North Korea and the multimillion-dollar cyberattack that rocked Bangladesh’s central bank and the financial industry as whole last year. According...

U.S. Officials Confirm Bangladesh Bank Heist State-Sponsored

March 29, 2017
According to reports out of an FBI official stationed in the Philippines, the theft of $81 million in funds hacked out of the Bangladesh central bank’s account at the NY...

Regulators Warn Banks To Be On Cyberattack Alert

June 08, 2016
On Tuesday (June 7), U.S. regulators issued a stern warning to banks to be on the lookout for cyberthreats in the aftermath of the Bangladesh cyberheist, where $81 million was taken...