Bank Capital news and trends

FSB Says Higher Bank Capital Requirements Will Remain
Regulation // June 07, 2019

Europe’s Financial Stability Board (FSB) said on Friday (June 7) that higher bank capital requirements, which were put on the books during the financial crisis, will remain. Reuters, citing the regulator, reported it found the negative impact on small business lending was short in nature,...

FDIC Chief To Revisit Banking, Lending Rules
Bank Regulation // August 07, 2018

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Chairman Jelena McWilliams is set to review policies being proposed by other Trump-appointed officials, including rules on bank capital, small-dollar loans and investments in low-income areas. According to The Wall Street Journal, McWilliams said during her first interview as chairman that...

Kashkari Vs. Dimon For Battle Of The Bankers?
Investments // April 07, 2017

In what might be shaping up as the battle of the bankers, a heavy hitter in the industry is taking aim at JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon’s comments earlier this week about the state of financial firms. As CNBC reported, Neel Kashkari, who serves as Minneapolis...

Quick Reads
ECB Says EU Banks May Be In Trouble If Economic Crisis Worsens

July 28, 2020
The European Central Bank (ECB) is warning its members could face more challenges if the economic crisis deepens, CNBC reported. “The banking sector (in the Eurozone) is in a very strong position to withstand an unprecedented shock,” Andrea Enria, chair of the central bank’s supervisory board for the 19 member states within the eurozone, told […]

FSB Says Higher Bank Capital Requirements Will Remain

June 07, 2019
Europe’s Financial Stability Board (FSB) said on Friday (June 7) that higher bank capital requirements, which were put on the books during the financial crisis, will remain. Reuters, citing the...

FDIC Chief To Revisit Banking, Lending Rules

August 07, 2018
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Chairman Jelena McWilliams is set to review policies being proposed by other Trump-appointed officials, including rules on bank capital, small-dollar loans and investments in low-income areas....

Kashkari Vs. Dimon For Battle Of The Bankers?

April 07, 2017
In what might be shaping up as the battle of the bankers, a heavy hitter in the industry is taking aim at JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon’s comments earlier this week...