Bankers news and trends

Trump Wants Additional $250 Billion For SMB Loans
Loans // April 07, 2020

President Donald Trump said he is working with congressional leaders to come up with another $250 billion in loan guarantees to help small- and medium-sized businesses get back on their feet in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our entire society is mobilizing to meet...

Trump Gathers Bank Leaders To Take Temperature On Coronavirus
Coronavirus // March 10, 2020

U.S. President Donald Trump has asked top bankers to attend a meeting regarding the coronavirus outbreak, as leaders worldwide try to assess the damage to the economy wrought by the virus, according to the Financial Times (FT). The White House did not say who specifically...

FinCEN Director: Bankers, Lawyers Provide Valuable Information To Deter Crime
Security & Fraud // December 10, 2019

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Director Kenneth A. Blanco told bankers and lawyers at a conference Dec. 10 that the information they report provides important data for agents, analysts and investigative personnel, according to his prepared remarks. “Those of you in this room need to...

Groupon Says It Wants To Be Bought
Partnerships / Acquisitions // July 09, 2018

Groupon, the daily deal website operator, is reportedly looking for a buyer and has been reaching out to potential buyers. According to a report in Recode citing two people briefed on the approaches, Groupon executives and bankers who represent the daily deal site operator have reached...

Quick Reads
Trump Wants Additional $250 Billion For SMB Loans

April 07, 2020
President Donald Trump said he is working with congressional leaders to come up with another $250 billion in loan guarantees to help small- and medium-sized businesses get back on their feet in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our entire society is mobilizing to meet the invisible enemy, save lives and save jobs, and companies […]

Trump Gathers Bank Leaders To Take Temperature On Coronavirus

March 10, 2020
U.S. President Donald Trump has asked top bankers to attend a meeting regarding the coronavirus outbreak, as leaders worldwide try to assess the damage to the economy wrought by the...

FinCEN Director: Bankers, Lawyers Provide Valuable Information To Deter Crime

December 10, 2019
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Director Kenneth A. Blanco told bankers and lawyers at a conference Dec. 10 that the information they report provides important data for agents, analysts and...

Groupon Says It Wants To Be Bought

July 09, 2018
Groupon, the daily deal website operator, is reportedly looking for a buyer and has been reaching out to potential buyers. According to a report in Recode citing two people briefed on...