Banking As A Service Playbook news and trends

Lunar On How BaaS Can Unlock Access To New Financial Services
Digital Banking // October 02, 2020

Banking is moving beyond the confines of traditional financial institutions (FIs), especially as corporates want more flexibility about using payments to monetize new flows. Easier said than done, says Morten Sønderskov, chief operating officer of Danish neobank Lunar. In the Banking As A Service Playbook,...

Banking-As-A-Service Helps Corporates Monetize New Payments Flows
Banking // October 01, 2020

More than 40 percent of United States businesses received at least some of their invoices in 2019 via a form of communication that many younger generations may have trouble identifying, let alone using: fax. This statistic is emblematic of a larger problem in the world...

Interviews & Exclusives
‘Don’t Annoy Me’: A Cardinal Rule for Banks to Keep Consumers’ Trust

June 20, 2022
Consumers are sending a crystal-clear message to the banks and credit unions that have been trusted partners in their everyday financial lives, according to Doug Brown, president of NCR. That message is just three simple words: “Don’t annoy me.” For the banks that find the right mix of engagement, at the right time, the rewards […]