Bard news and trends

Demystifying AI: The Probability Theory Behind LLMs Like OpenAI’s ChatGPT 
Artificial Intelligence // January 22, 2024

When a paradigm shift occurs, it is not always obvious to those affected by it.  But there is no “eye of the storm” equivalent when it comes to generative artificial intelligence (AI).  The technology is here. There are already various commercial products available for deployment, and organizations that can...

Google Postpones Launch of AI Offering Gemini Due to Non-English Query Challenges
artificial intelligence // December 04, 2023

Google has postponed the launch of Gemini, its highly anticipated artificial intelligence (AI) offering. The decision comes as the company faced challenges with non-English queries, prompting Google Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai to cancel the planned in-person launches in California, New York and Washington, according to a Seeking...

Google Aims to Set Precedent With AI Scam Lawsuit
Google // November 13, 2023

Google has filed a lawsuit aimed at preventing scams related to its AI offerings. The tech giant announced the suit Monday (Nov. 13) on its blog, saying the hope is that these actions build a legal precedent for preventing artificial intelligence (AI)-related fraud. The suit deals with scammers...

Google Reports 7x Growth in AI Projects Built on Its Platforms
Google // October 24, 2023

Google turned 25 this year. The tech giant, now a stem of parent company Alphabet, is hitting the quarter century mark in a new era of innovation demarcated by the generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities and foundation models that its own research labs and teams...

Interviews & Exclusives
Does Meta’s 3.59 Billion Users Give It Competitive AI Moat?

September 29, 2023
Big Tech’s artificial intelligence (AI) arms race shows no signs of slowing to a cold war. At least not any time soon, while there are still consumers to convert and addressable markets to conquer. Meta on Wednesday (Sept. 27) introduced 28 new AI-powered chatbot personas, a new generation of smart glasses, and more AI experiences […]

AI vs. Search Engines: Why Chatbots Are Losing the Query Game

August 18, 2023
Artificial intelligence (AI) applications have the potential to revolutionize both higher-order tasks and daily touchpoints to a degree on par with the invention of the internet or the mass production...

Quick Reads
Google Renames AI Chatbot, Launches Subscription and Mobile Experiences

February 08, 2024
Google renamed its artificial intelligence chatbot, launched a new version of it, introduced mobile experiences and added a new subscription plan. Formerly known as Bard, the AI model is now called Gemini, Google said in a Thursday (Feb. 8) blog post. Together with the rebranding, Google has launched Gemini Advanced, a new chatbot that gives […]

Google Postpones Launch of AI Offering Gemini Due to Non-English Query Challenges

December 04, 2023
Google has postponed the launch of Gemini, its highly anticipated artificial intelligence (AI) offering. The decision comes as the company faced challenges with non-English queries, prompting Google Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai to...

Google Aims to Set Precedent With AI Scam Lawsuit

November 13, 2023
Google has filed a lawsuit aimed at preventing scams related to its AI offerings. The tech giant announced the suit Monday (Nov. 13) on its blog, saying the hope is that these actions...

Google to Launch Generative AI-Powered Digital Assistant

October 04, 2023
Google has unveiled a digital assistant powered by generative artificial intelligence (AI). Assistant with Bard will be accessible on Android and iOS mobile devices in the coming months, the tech...