Beacon Marketing news and trends

Payments as a Service Tracker: Beacon Of Hope For UK Merchants?
Payments As A Service // January 31, 2017

In a sea of small businesses, what does it take to stand out? For the January Payments as a Service Tracker™, PYMNTS spoke with Lee Nazari, CEO of Swoopos, about how U.K. merchants in the hospitality trade are using beacons to find new ways to...

Where Mobile Is Moving Location Intelligence
Merchant Innovation // January 27, 2016

Not only has the proliferation of mobile devices and technology had a profound effect on consumers, but entire industries themselves are now being forced to move where mobile is going. Jeff Russakow, CEO of Gimbal, joined MPD CEO Karen Webster to discuss empowering consumer engagement...

Wherever Consumers Go, Beacons Will Follow
Company Spotlight // September 25, 2015

In this edition of the Omnicommerce TrackerTM, we highlight beacon marketing successes, discuss what consumers want in return for loyalty and look at tackling fraud management in retail.