Berkeley Research Group news and trends

Why Europe Must End Its 30-Year Digital Winter to Ensure Its Long-Run Future
Opinion // April 18, 2024

In the last 30 years, Europe — defined here as the EU plus the U.K., Norway and Switzerland — has created few leading digital businesses compared to the U.S. and China. This long digital winter is symptomatic of underlying problems that are behind persistent gaps...

To Scale AI in Healthcare, Understanding the Tech’s Role Is Crucial 
artificial intelligence // November 02, 2023

The advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies promises to significantly transform the healthcare industry. “We’ve reached a new frontier in this area … the current capabilities for data mining and analysis and aggregation and dissemination are unprecedented,” Tom O’Neil, managing director at Berkeley Research...

Interviews & Exclusives
To Scale AI in Healthcare, Understanding the Tech’s Role Is Crucial 

November 02, 2023
The advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies promises to significantly transform the healthcare industry. “We’ve reached a new frontier in this area … the current capabilities for data mining and analysis and aggregation and dissemination are unprecedented,” Tom O’Neil, managing director at Berkeley Research Group and former chief compliance officer at Cigna, tells PYMNTS […]