Beyond The Buzzword news and trends

Secure Remote Commerce, Beyond the Buzzword
Checkout Conversion // September 05, 2018

Commerce changes slowly, then quickly.  Bricks and mortar give way to clicks, and channels blur. Commerce is now online, and always on.  Standards emerge, too.  One standard emerging is that of Secure Remote Commerce, backed by Visa and Mastercard. Rambus CTO Chakib Bouda told Karen...

New Podcast: Rambus CTO On Securing Remote Commerce And Ditching The Friction
Payments Innovation // September 05, 2018

As Sam Cooke sang: “It’s been a long time comin’ … but I know a change is gonna come.” Commerce changes slowly, at a glacial pace, it seems, until — all of a sudden — things are different. Aisles give way to clicks, and cash gives way...

Moving Beyond Tokenization’s ‘Automagic’ Buzz
Data // August 10, 2018

Beware complacency in anything, but especially in data security. Technology has a way of lulling people into a false sense of security, promising a “set it and forget it” process that can be dangerous. So it is with tokenization, said GEOBRIDGE CTO Jason Way in...

Spend Management Reaches For New — And Digital — Maturity
B2B Payments // July 19, 2018

It’s a phrase that can cause several types of jobsite headaches — stepping away from a project to hit a hardware store with petty cash, for instance, or calling the boss to gain approval to go over a card spending limit. “Spend management” is hardly the...

Interviews & Exclusives
How Data Will Speed The Move To Cashless Payments

March 19, 2019
Is there a hotter topic — a buzzier buzzword, one might term it — than cashless? Ours is swiftly becoming the age of digital payments, push payments and instant payments, done by bits and bytes rather than through the conduits of coins and bills. The stats show that cash use is declining, but a decline […]

New Podcast: Rambus CTO On Securing Remote Commerce And Ditching The Friction

September 05, 2018
As Sam Cooke sang: “It’s been a long time comin’ … but I know a change is gonna come.” Commerce changes slowly, at a glacial pace, it seems, until — all...

Moving Beyond Tokenization’s ‘Automagic’ Buzz

August 10, 2018
Beware complacency in anything, but especially in data security. Technology has a way of lulling people into a false sense of security, promising a “set it and forget it” process...

Spend Management Reaches For New — And Digital — Maturity

July 19, 2018
It’s a phrase that can cause several types of jobsite headaches — stepping away from a project to hit a hardware store with petty cash, for instance, or calling the boss...

Quick Reads
Secure Remote Commerce, Beyond the Buzzword

September 05, 2018
Commerce changes slowly, then quickly.  Bricks and mortar give way to clicks, and channels blur. Commerce is now online, and always on.  Standards emerge, too.  One standard emerging is that of Secure Remote Commerce, backed by Visa and Mastercard. Rambus CTO Chakib Bouda told Karen Webster that big change is coming via Secure Remote Commerce, […]