Big Tech Compliance Tracker news and trends

Big Tech Compliance Tracker: Alibaba Faces $2.75 Billion Fine From China; Google Hit With $36.5 Million Penalty In Turkey

April 19, 2021
Big Tech Compliance Tracker: Alibaba Faces $2.75 Billion Fine From China; Google Hit With $36.5 Million Penalty In Turkey
Big Tech Compliance Tracker: EU Aims To Have Big Tech Share Data With Smaller Competitors;...
Big Data // October 06, 2020

Here’s the latest news from Google and the technology industry, which is coming under increasing scrutiny from regulatory watchdogs, trade organizations and politicians globally. Regulation EU Aims To Have Big Tech Share Data With Smaller Competitors The European Union is getting ready to make Big...

Big Tech Compliance Tracker: Australia Wants Facebook And Google To Pay News Publishers
Tracker Series // August 11, 2020

Facebook, Alphabet/Google, Apple and Amazon are under the microscope these days as politicians and regulators the world over accuse them of anticompetitive behaviors. In our new Big Tech Compliance Tracker, we’ll look at the latest compliance news regarding the four Big Tech behemoths. Here are the latest...