Bitmart news and trends

Huobi and OKEx Gain Most Points in Provider Ranking of Crypto Apps
Cryptocurrency // January 31, 2024

In the world of digital money, cryptocurrency can get a little confusing. If you need help navigating bitcoin, PYMNTS can guide the way via the Provider Ranking of Cryptocurrency Apps. PYMNTS ranks the most popular apps each month based on downloads, users and other factors....

Cryptocurrency App Ranking Sees Binance on Top Once Again
Cryptocurrency // December 29, 2023

As the new year begins, those who are interested in cryptocurrency have a wide array of apps to choose from to help them navigate the world of digital currencies. PYMNTS ranks the apps based on downloads, updates and other factors in the latest Provider Ranking of...

Coinbase Slips Seven Spots in PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Cryptocurrency Apps
Mobile Applications // December 05, 2023

Whether you’re just getting into cryptocurrency now, or you’ve been exploring the space since it first took off, you need a cryptocurrency app to manage your purchases and keep tabs of the market. PYMNTS’ Provider Rankings of Cryptocurrency Apps lists the top 10 cryptocurrency apps...

Binance and Coinbase Share Top Spot in PYMNTS Crypto App Provider Ranking
Mobile Applications // November 03, 2023

This edition of the PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Cryptocurrency Apps sees a tie fall apart, resulting in a trickle effect of rankings. But one tie remains unchanged: Binance and Coinbase still share the No. 1 ranking, proving to be difficult to shake up this round. Here’s how...

Quick Reads
BitMart Taps Banxa to Help Build Ecosystem for Native Crypto Token

April 02, 2024
Digital assets trading platform BitMart has deepened its collaboration with cryptocurrency payment infrastructure provider Banxa to build the ecosystem for BMX, BitMart’s native token. Together, BitMart and Banxa will launch a fiat-to-BMX purchase service for its global users, the companies said in a Tuesday (April 2) press release.  “This initiative is designed to provide a more efficient and convenient BMX […]

FTC Probes $200M Bitmark Crypto Hack

August 11, 2022
In what is its first investigation into cryptocurrency markets, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is looking into the Bitmark currency exchange over the December 2021 hack that cost consumers $200...

Crypto Exchange Bitmart Confirms $196M Lost in Security Breach

December 05, 2021
BitMart has suffered a hack that lost it $196 million in a number of cryptocurrencies, a report says. The hack was first reported on Saturday night (Dec. 4), when security...