Blockchain Com Wallet news and trends

Binance and Trust Hold Tight to Top Spot in Latest Crypto Wallet Ranking
Crypto Wallet // November 06, 2023

In this edition of the PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Crypto Wallets we see some movers and shakers and one newcomer. Wirex fell, leaving room for SafePay to climb in the lower half. Our upper half remains pretty consistent. Let’s see how things stand. The Top 5  The...

Binance Tops the Chart in Cryptocurrency Wallet Provider Rankings
Crypto Wallet // September 07, 2023

PYMNTS’ Provider Rankings of Cryptocurrency Wallets is back to take a look into the best cryptocurrency wallets available today.  Whether you’re a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just starting your journey into the world of cryptocurrencies, our rankings will provide you with the knowledge you need to...

Bitcoin Wallet Bumps Bakkt out of PYMNTS’ September Crypto Wallet Provider Ranking
Cryptocurrency // September 20, 2022

In a month dominated by The Merge, in which the No. 2 blockchain, Ethereum, switched from its energy-hungry and slow consensus mechanism for adding new data and minting new ether tokens to the new, greener and more scalable Ethereum 2.0, the change in wallet rankings...

Third Crypto Wallet Provider Ranking Sees Competition Return
Crypto Wallet // March 17, 2022

There are a number of things to consider when selecting a bitcoin and crypto wallet, starting with the exchange on which you plan to use it.  That said, your thoughts on the best wallet to use should also affect your choice of exchanges. So, look...