Books news and trends

Amazon’s ‘Your Books’ Lets Customers View Reading History, Recommends Titles
Amazon // December 13, 2023

Amazon’s latest offering harkens back to its roots as a bookseller. The company’s Your Books feature, announced Wednesday (Dec. 13), lets users explore all their books in one place, while offering personalized features to find the next thing to read. The feature, Amazon said in...

Amazon Closes the Book on Book Depository, Underscoring eCommerce’s Evolution 
Amazon // April 07, 2023

Every so often, we get a reminder of how far we’ve come — and where we’ve come from. It’s hard to recall, at least for some of us, that eCommerce has its roots, in some respects, in the stacks, so to speak — where selling...

What To Watch And Read This Weekend: Pandemic Edition
News // July 11, 2020

Like everyone else, the PYMNTS staff is working from home and using the weekends to catch up on books, streaming and movies. Here’s a sample of some of the more relevant selections we recommend. What We’re Reading, Fiction: “The End of October” This novel from “The Looming...

Can A Startup Compete With Amazon For Online Book Sales?
Retail // February 05, 2020

A startup with a plan to take on Amazon in the world of digital book sales might at first seem, well, a little crazy. Books were where Amazon got its first toehold into American consumers’ lives, and the idea that an upstart could step onto their...

Quick Reads
Amazon’s ‘Your Books’ Lets Customers View Reading History, Recommends Titles

December 13, 2023
Amazon’s latest offering harkens back to its roots as a bookseller. The company’s Your Books feature, announced Wednesday (Dec. 13), lets users explore all their books in one place, while offering personalized features to find the next thing to read. The feature, Amazon said in a news release, shows users every book they’ve bought, borrowed […]

Brazilian Retailer Magazine Luiza To Compete With Amazon

April 24, 2019
Brazilian retailer Magazine Luiza has announced that it will be selling books online, which could be picked up in one of its almost 1,000 stores. The company is aiming to...

Amazon To Sell Only Its Best Items In New NYC Store

September 27, 2018
Amazon has opened Amazon 4-star, a new store in New York City where every product is rated 4 stars and above, is a top seller or is new and trending...

Is Barnes & Noble Up For Sale?

July 26, 2017
The retail industry has been dealt a big blow over the last decade as eCommerce continues to thrive. One area of retail in particular that’s been hit hard is brick-and-mortar...