Brexit Tracker news and trends

Brexit Drives Investor Pessimism
Brexit // June 06, 2017

Beyond the battling over passporting and myriad issues tied to the negotiations over Brexit and the snap election scheduled for later this week, a number of verticals and industries in the region are fretful about Brexit consequences and what the seismic shift means for them....

Hundreds of Treaties Loom for Brexit Negotiations
Brexit // June 01, 2017

No one said that untangling the ties between the United Kingdom and the European Continent in the wake of Brexit would be easy.  But what about beyond the EU? The sheer volume of trade agreements alone between the U.K. and 168 non-EU nations is staggering....

Brexit Tracker: UK’s May’s Brexit Manifesto in Print
News // May 18, 2017

The hard line Brexit stance is now in hard copy. On Thursday, the latest installment in the Brexit saga became a bit of a page turner – pun intended – as British Prime Minister Theresa May published the Conservative Party manifesto, and as Bloomberg noted,...

Finance Sector Staff Relocations Gather Steam in Brexit Fallout
News // May 11, 2017

The drumbeat of financial firms looking for an exit from the U.K. in advance of Brexit is getting louder. Ernst and Young noted this week that firms operating in investment banking and insurance are disclosing plans move from the U.K. Research from E&Y, said Law360,...

Quick Reads
Brexit Drives Investor Pessimism

June 06, 2017
Beyond the battling over passporting and myriad issues tied to the negotiations over Brexit and the snap election scheduled for later this week, a number of verticals and industries in the region are fretful about Brexit consequences and what the seismic shift means for them. All of this takes place against an election where there […]

Brexit Tracker: VC Funding Remains Steady, SMEs Still Confident, FCA Risk Watchlist

April 18, 2017
Though Brexit has brought about a lingering air of uncertainty, there are some parts of the economy that are doing their best to remain steady. In this week’s Brexit Tracker,...

Brexit Tracker: UK To Trigger Article 50 On March 29

March 21, 2017
On Wednesday, March 29, negotiations for Britain to split from the European Union will officially begin. In this week’s Brexit Tracker, British Prime Minister Theresa May was given the go-ahead...

Brexit Tracker: Scotland Seeks Independence, B2B Payments Shakeup, And Britain’s “Defining Moment”

March 15, 2017
Britain is moving closer and closer to the reality of operating in a post-Brexit world as the “Brexit bill” proceeds for Royal Assent. In this week’s Brexit Tracker, Scotland makes...