Brian Bogosian news and trends

Apple’s 1 Billion Subscribers Show Power of Ecosystems Driving Customer Loyalty
Subscription Commerce // August 16, 2023

Retail subscription commerce has become increasingly popular, with more consumers asking for easier ways to seek out new content and services in a curated environment. And there’s data to back it up. The average consumer spent $273 monthly on subscriptions in 2021, up from $237 in...

Data Key to Turning ‘Short-Term’ Subscribers Into Brand Advocates
Subscriptions // July 12, 2023

The year is half over. Looking out at the balance of 2023, Brian Bogosian, CEO of, said subscription models face a test as consumers re-examine their budgets, and, as ever, churn is a significant challenge. Joint research between and PYMNTS found that 48% of subscription...

Subscription Merchants Say Easy Cancellation Helps Retain Customers
Subscriptions // May 15, 2023

Consumers love their retail subscriptions, but inflation has forced a wave of cancellations, and merchants need to use every tool at their disposal — including making an emotional connection — to appeal to the far more judicious calculus of today’s subscribers. Those ideas grounded the...

Subscribers Cut Services and Subscription Businesses Get Serious About Innovating
Subscriptions // March 07, 2023

The freewheeling sign-ups of the pandemic era are now the good old days as subscription merchants are having to be smarter to retain customers, to say nothing of acquiring new ones. This was the underlying talk track between PYMNTS’ Karen Webster and CEO Brian...

Interviews & Exclusives
Merchants Buck Discretionary Spending Pressures by Making Subscriptions ‘Essential’

August 24, 2023
Subscription firms face pressures they wouldn’t have expected just a few months ago. Brian Bogosian, CEO of, told Karen Webster in an interview that the success of recurring subscriptions — where goods and services are delivered like clockwork or on demand — has proven that convenience matters to consumers. But it is value — and […]

Apple’s 1 Billion Subscribers Show Power of Ecosystems Driving Customer Loyalty

August 16, 2023
Retail subscription commerce has become increasingly popular, with more consumers asking for easier ways to seek out new content and services in a curated environment. And there’s data to back...

Data Key to Turning ‘Short-Term’ Subscribers Into Brand Advocates

July 12, 2023
The year is half over. Looking out at the balance of 2023, Brian Bogosian, CEO of, said subscription models face a test as consumers re-examine their budgets, and, as ever, churn...

Subscription Merchants Say Easy Cancellation Helps Retain Customers

May 15, 2023
Consumers love their retail subscriptions, but inflation has forced a wave of cancellations, and merchants need to use every tool at their disposal — including making an emotional connection —...