British Retail Consortium news and trends

Card Payments Account for 90% of UK Retail Transactions
Payment Methods // December 12, 2022

Card payments now account for nearly 90% of all retail transactions in the U.K. The findings from the British Retail Consortium’s (BRC) 2022 Payments Survey reveal that debit cards have continued to gain ground as the preferred payment method in the U.K., accounting for 67.28%...

Retail Consumer Demand Slows in Europe, MENA Accelerates Omnichannel
emea // October 27, 2022

In the past week, observers of global retail trends have received the latest statistics from Eurostat, which show that retail sales in the EU fell 0.2% in August for a 1.3% year-on-year decline. A more significant decrease was observed in the eurozone, where the figures...

UK Consumers Start Slow Return To Stores
Retail // August 07, 2020

The U.K. retail recovery continues, but at a snail’s pace. According to the British Retail Consortium, U.K. foot traffic decreased by 42.1 percent in July over 2019 levels, an improvement from June’s 62.6 percent and below the three-month average decline of 61.6 percent. The trade...

Most UK Retailers Too Small To Get Bailout Loans, Group Says
Loans // March 19, 2020

The Bank of England (BoE) is excluding many businesses from its short-term loans for coronavirus-related relief, critics say, by including restrictions based on credit ratings and short-term commercial paper use, according the Financial Times. In a letter to the BoE this week, the British Retail...

Quick Reads
UK Consumers Start Slow Return To Stores

August 07, 2020
The U.K. retail recovery continues, but at a snail’s pace. According to the British Retail Consortium, U.K. foot traffic decreased by 42.1 percent in July over 2019 levels, an improvement from June’s 62.6 percent and below the three-month average decline of 61.6 percent. The trade group’s survey also showed that the reopening of pubs and […]

Most UK Retailers Too Small To Get Bailout Loans, Group Says

March 19, 2020
The Bank of England (BoE) is excluding many businesses from its short-term loans for coronavirus-related relief, critics say, by including restrictions based on credit ratings and short-term commercial paper use,...

BRC Reports 1.3 Pct Drop In September UK Sales

October 07, 2019
After the British Retail Consortium (BRC) indicated the weakest growth in eCommerce and high street spending since the survey began in the mid-90s, merchants have called for the government to...

UK Cash Use Falls

September 12, 2018
Cash purchases in the U.K. fell 1 percent last year, and now account for just 22 percent of purchases in the country. Data from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) showed that...