Broadband news and trends

Amazon’s Space Lasers Redefine Global Data Connectivity
Technology // December 21, 2023

The future of digital connectivity is increasingly shuffling off the binds of its terrestrial coils. This, as Amazon’s Project Kuiper satellite initiative has taken a key step toward establishing a globally connected optical mesh network powered by a space lasers system. Since its successful launch...

Jio to Launch Satellite Broadband Service in India
Connected Economy // October 27, 2023

Indian telecommunications company Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. has rolled out a satellite-based gigabit fiber service and said it aims to provide high-speed broadband services to previously inaccessible areas within India.  The new satellite broadband, named JioSpaceFiber, will be available across the country at “highly affordable” prices, expanding...

FCC Offers Broadband Subsidies to Narrow ‘Digital Divide’
Connected Economy // August 06, 2023

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says it wants to make broadband service more affordable. To that end, the commission last week announced plans to offer $75-per-month subsidies for lower-income households in some “high-cost” parts of the U.S. The plan, announced last week, is being run...

Amazon Sets 2024 Launch Date for Internet-From-Space Broadband Service 
Amazon // March 16, 2023

The prospects for global broadband connectivity are looking up, quite literally. This, as Amazon on Tuesday (March 14) revealed a first look of the latest progress in its planned constellation network of 3,236 low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. Codenamed Project Kuiper, Amazon’s latest push to own every...

Interviews & Exclusives
Where Big Tech Will And Won’t Spend In A COVID Recession

April 02, 2020
It is easy – and becoming easier by the day – to look at the business world and see trends indicating where the money isn’t flowing. Not to businesses, depending on the verticals. Not to the stock markets (depending on the day, of course).  Not to mortgages, if things hold up. And there’s another kind […]

Quick Reads
TessPay Simplifies Financial Management for Affordable Connectivity Program Participants

January 17, 2024
TessPay, a FinTech company specializing in blockchain technology for secure financial transactions, has upgraded its platform to boost access to affordable connectivity. These enhancements aim to support service providers participating in the U.S. government’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which seeks to bridge the digital divide and provide affordable access to broadband services, the company said […]

Jio to Launch Satellite Broadband Service in India

October 27, 2023
Indian telecommunications company Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd. has rolled out a satellite-based gigabit fiber service and said it aims to provide high-speed broadband services to previously inaccessible areas within India.  The new...

FCC Offers Broadband Subsidies to Narrow ‘Digital Divide’

August 06, 2023
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says it wants to make broadband service more affordable. To that end, the commission last week announced plans to offer $75-per-month subsidies for lower-income households...

Amazon Wants Satellites To Provide Broadband In Remote Areas

July 05, 2019
To provide broadband to tens of millions of users who don’t currently have adequate internet access, Amazon wants permission from the U.S. to launch 3,236 communications satellites, per a Thursday...