Bt news and trends

Barclaycard Payments Joins BT to Offer Benefits to UK Microbusinesses
Partnerships // August 11, 2022

Barclaycard Payments has joined the BT partnership network to help the small U.K. businesses grow, a press release from BT said Thursday (Aug. 11). The partnership network is an effort by the British telecommunications provider to help micro-businesses with up to five employees, the release...

Google And Apple Absent From Cybersecurity Tech Accord That Facebook And Microsoft Signed
Safety and Security // April 18, 2018

Technology companies are making the pledge to protect customers from cyberattacks, as well as making sure they don’t help governments advance their cyber warfare efforts. The Cybersecurity Tech Accord is a “watershed agreement” signed by 34 tech companies: ABB, Arm, Avast, Bitdefender, BT, CA Technologies,...

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Barclaycard Payments Joins BT to Offer Benefits to UK Microbusinesses

August 11, 2022
Barclaycard Payments has joined the BT partnership network to help the small U.K. businesses grow, a press release from BT said Thursday (Aug. 11). The partnership network is an effort by the British telecommunications provider to help micro-businesses with up to five employees, the release said. The idea behind the partnership is “boosting the growth […]

Google And Apple Absent From Cybersecurity Tech Accord That Facebook And Microsoft Signed

April 18, 2018
Technology companies are making the pledge to protect customers from cyberattacks, as well as making sure they don’t help governments advance their cyber warfare efforts. The Cybersecurity Tech Accord is...