Bump news and trends

Real-Time Market Value Unlocks New Avenues for Creator Financing
Social Commerce // April 23, 2024

Access to financial resources is undeniably critical for business success. Without it, the road ahead can be fraught with challenges, potentially leading to the demise of even the most promising ventures.  Yet, for independent creators — whether they are influencers, musicians or content creators —...

Bump Teams With Mastercard, Highnote to Help Creators
Connected Economy // November 16, 2022

With the global creator economy expanding, financial services platform Bump has teamed up with Mastercard and card issuer Highnote to launch the Bump Creator Card. The card, announced Wednesday (Nov. 16), is designed to break down financial barriers facing independent creators face while helping them...

Interviews & Exclusives
Real-Time Market Value Unlocks New Avenues for Creator Financing

April 23, 2024
Access to financial resources is undeniably critical for business success. Without it, the road ahead can be fraught with challenges, potentially leading to the demise of even the most promising ventures.  Yet, for independent creators — whether they are influencers, musicians or content creators — the landscape is uniquely complex.  “Access to business loans and […]

Quick Reads
Bump Teams With Mastercard, Highnote to Help Creators

November 16, 2022
With the global creator economy expanding, financial services platform Bump has teamed up with Mastercard and card issuer Highnote to launch the Bump Creator Card. The card, announced Wednesday (Nov. 16), is designed to break down financial barriers facing independent creators face while helping them build brands and businesses. “The global creator economy has expanded […]