Cait news and trends

Amazon And Indian Traders Spar At Panel Discussion

September 01, 2019
Amazon, Indian Traders Spar At Panel Discussion
QR Codes Are Gaining A Brighter Profile
Digital Payments // May 29, 2018

The QR Code has been enjoying some love and attention over the past few weeks, though the prospects for the digital payment tool remain relatively limited outside of Asia, at least according to one report. First up, EMVCo, the global technical body that manages those...

Quick Reads
Amazon And Indian Traders Spar At Panel Discussion

September 01, 2019
Discounted products caused a rift between Amazon and a trading group based in India, Reuters reported Friday (Aug. 30). The two sides were at a panel discussion organized by the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT). The competition watchdog represents 500,000 merchants and traders in India and told Amazon’s senior corporate counsel, Rahul Sundaram, of […]