Can Capital Store Front Business Index news and trends

As Voters Weigh In On Primary Day, Kentucky Not Lucky For SMBs
Retail // May 17, 2016

The primary season is coming to a close. The Republicans are essentially all but done, and while there remains a narrow chance of an upset on the Democratic side of the race, the majority of experts believe the odds of such a late-season surprise is...

Primaries Hit Weakest Store Front Performance States
Retail // May 10, 2016

The primary — at least, on the Republican side — is basically over but for the final counting and the balloon drop. The Democratic race is putatively still going on — there will be votes today and both candidates are still in — but, at...

How Healthy Are Hoosier State Storefronts?
Retail // May 03, 2016

In a normal year, Indiana just isn’t a major player in the primary season, because, generally speaking, by early May everything is usually wrapped up except for the official vote count and the balloon drop. The primary season of 2016, however, strayed from the “regular” script...

Ahead Of Primaries, It’s Taxes And Some Shrugs In NY
Retail // April 19, 2016

New York’s primary is today and the stakes are high. This time around there is enough political drama to make the 291 Democratic delegates and the 95 Republican delegates a contest filled by sharp elbows. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or binge-watching “Game...

Quick Reads
WA: Outpacing The Store Front Nation

May 24, 2016
While a primary is happening today in Washington State, the news media is mostly focused on looking backward and forward. Backward at the Nevada Democratic Convention — and the various chair-throwing shenanigans that marked the occasion — and forward toward the two national conventions this summer. In a big narrative switch from even a few, […]

As Voters Weigh In On Primary Day, Kentucky Not Lucky For SMBs

May 17, 2016
The primary season is coming to a close. The Republicans are essentially all but done, and while there remains a narrow chance of an upset on the Democratic side of...

Another Primary, Another Look At How SMBs Are Doing There

March 08, 2016
Oh, what a difference a week can make. Today (March 8), we open up to another Tuesday and another run of primary elections. And while, granted, it’s not exactly a...