Capsule news and trends

The Potential Power And Many Perils In Attempting To Digitize The Rx Market 
Healthcare // July 08, 2021

The digital Rx race is on, and it is crowded.  It’s not just a race between digital pharmacy newcomers like Amazon and Walmart taking on established pharmacy players like CVS and Walgreens, but a much border free-for-all, with a variety of up-and-comers like GoodRx, Alto,...

How Capsule Wants To Bring The Human Touch To eCommerce
eCommerce // December 22, 2017

The pharmacy is just one of those places. Like the DMV or the dentist, it’s one of those places consumers have to visit from time to time — but no one really gets excited about the task. Part of that, of course, is just structural. Going...

Capsule Looks To Build An On-Demand Pharmacy
eCommerce // May 18, 2016

There is little worse in life than being sick — and most of the things that are worse usually involve being sick and doing something else. Being sick and going to work, being sick and driving someplace far, being sick and waiting in line. And...