Case Study news and trends

PNC on Fighting Transaction Fraud With Data
Connected Economy // January 21, 2022

Acquirers face a formidable challenge in helping merchants address an ever-evolving category of commercial risk: transaction fraud. This issue is pervasive and plagues merchants regardless of their size or level of growth, according to Chris Ward, executive vice president and head of data, digital and...

Paya on Harnessing Data to Streamline and Secure Payments for Consumers and Businesses
Connected Economy // January 21, 2022

Merchants face numerous challenges in managing digital payments, according to Ben Weiner, chief strategy officer at payments processor Paya. These hurdles range from reconciliation issues between invoices and ledgers to disparate payment systems causing errors and processing delays. Payments processors are frequently tasked with helping...

North American Bancard on Why Merchants Should Focus on User Experience
Connected Economy // January 21, 2022

One of the biggest challenges facing merchants today is the battle between simplicity, security and functionality, according to Jim Parkinson, chief experience officer at North American Bancard. Merchants may want to implement technology upgrades that simplify sending and receiving payments, but high costs are involved...

Case Study: Interior Define On Leveraging The D2C Digital Shift
Omnicommerce // August 25, 2020

The D2C market has undergone rapid evolution in recent years. The lines between “digital natives” and conventional brands have blurred, with the former opening concept stores in select markets and the latter branching into online ordering.  One business that exemplifies these trends is home furniture...